Let’s get to know the artist:
Teneia Dilosa
1. Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Gary IN, currently living in Portage IN
2. How did you begin your art journey?
I’ve always loved artwork (as early as when I was able to pick up a crayon!). Time passed, and I ended up doing a two year accelerated pre-pharmacy program for undergrad at Purdue University West Lafayette. I was then accepted into the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program, and decided to leave school and pursue entrepreneurship after my 2nd year in the program.
As a result of my husband and me working with a couple that helped us start our journey in entrepreneurship within e-commerce and taking an art class as an elective my 2nd year in the doctorate program, I knew I needed to change. God led me away from that path to business and ministry! Heart to Canvas LLC, my painting business was born in 2018.
3. What inspires you?
I’m inspired by my Creator. In the beginning He created, and that’s why I believe I’m here. To create, to make Him known, to in some way bring freedom and light through the artwork I design. I want to fill every space I enter with something noteworthy…a smile, encouragement, a canvas.
4. Does your piece always end up looking like the idea that inspired you?
It depends on the specific design I’m working on. Some pieces are very technical and precise. Those are usually sketched digitally first. Others are more organic, and I’m simply choosing colors and allowing the end result to form as I go.
5. Do you have a favorite music/artist/genre while working on a piece?
For me, I don’t have a specific artist or genre I listen to while I paint. However, I do listen to anything that has a message of faith. That usually ends up being Christian worship music, however I’m not picky with styles. The words matter most.
6. Most artists are creative in many ways, what is your favorite?
My favorite medium is acrylic. I love the bold colors and creating color combinations that just seem to “work” together.
7. Do you have a favorite piece of your work and why?
My favorite piece is a two-piece "Dutch pour" I created for a client entitled “Waves,” featured in Woman to Woman NWI’s February 2024 issue.
8. Does your art help with other areas of your life?
I can paint all day. It’s therapeutic for me. I’m involved in quite a bit so quite honestly it helps me to escape my natural structured and list-driven nature and just be free.
9. How do you define success as an artist?
Success to me is being able to transform and revitalize spaces…to create meaningful conversation, provide a sense of peace and excitement, and use my gift to create revenue that can fund positive change.
10. How can people who are interested in your work contact you?