Let’s get to know the artist:
Nancy Rosene
1. Where are you from?
Valparaiso, Indiana
2. How did you begin your art journey?
I took up the challenge of fine art photography about 10 years ago after purchasing my first DSLR camera. The equipment was way more mysterious and complicated than anticipated, and I knew my only recourse was to delve in. Photography has become my avenue to self-expression, my eyes to Mother Earth, and my solace.
3. What inspires you?
My appetite to continually learn, love of a challenge, and unending appreciation of humans and our natural environment keep me inspired. I like to chew on writers, artists, mentors, fellow photographers and copy, copy, copy until I find my own true self.
4. Does your piece always end up looking like the idea that inspired you?
No! When I see a piece that is inspiring, I will set out to imitate it, but in the end, I connect my own dots.
5. Do you have a favorite music/artist/genre while working on a piece?
In the course of my life, I come across many artists I love--not any one in particular. There artistic forms intrigue me and want me to explore and create. They give me the nudge and keep me going.
6. Most artists are creative in many ways, what is your favorite?
Brainstorming through mapping and really just studying other works. I think my originality is just a stew of other ideas floating in the ether.
7. Do you have a favorite piece of your work and why?
I can't pick a favorite piece of my work. They are all my babies. Good, bad and indifferent.
8. Does your art help with other areas of your life?
Yes. As I said before, art is my therapy. It keeps me centered, happy, calm. It lets me escape the pressures of life.
9. How do you define success as an artist?
Success as an artist is being able to sustain your creativity, learn new things, and continually fulfill that deep hunger to creatively conceive.
10. How can people who are interested in your work contact you?