Let’s get to know the artist:
Dan Podobinski
1. Where are you from?
Hebron, Indiana
2. How did you begin your art journey?
I've always taken photos, not very well for a long time, but I improved with age and in my mid 30's I decided to dive into it more seriously. Hot rods and custom cars were my primary subjects of choice, but I will photograph just about anything.
3. What inspires you?
The aforementioned hot rods for sure, particularly early style builds, like they were done in the early days of the hobby immediately after WWII. I'm also inspired by water, architecture, sun, and clouds, among many other things.
4. Does your piece always end up looking like the idea that inspired you?
Not always. There are definitely times when I see a potential photograph, but for whatever reason it just doesn't translate.
5. Do you have a favorite music/artist/genre while working on a piece?
I generally don't have music playing while I am taking photos, though I am a bit of a music junkie.
6. Most artists are creative in many ways, what is your favorite?
I also write. I have been a regular contributor to a few different publications for a dozen years now. In addition to providing the photography, I write all of my own feature articles.
7. Do you have a favorite piece of your work and why?
It's tough to narrow it down to just one.
8. Does your art help with other areas of your life?
Absolutely! The camera is an escape. I feel complete with it in my hands.
9. How do you define success as an artist?
If your work makes you happy, then it successful in my eyes. If it makes others happy, it's all that much better!
10. How can people who are interested in your work contact you?